
2022-02-27 16:57:06
人脸 错觉 人类 进化 结果

摘要: 看看这些图,在每张图中我(原文作者,下同)都能看到脸的样子,我猜你也一样。之所以会这样是因为大多数人都对脸很痴迷。我们到处都能看到脸,而我们所看到的脸其实并不是脸。最有名的例子应该是月球上的男人了。最


之所以会这样是因为大多数人都对脸很痴迷。我们到处都能看到脸,而我们所看到的脸其实并不是脸。最有名的例子应该是月球上的男人了。最奇怪的例子则要数一个人花了2.8万美元买了一个不新鲜的烤奶酪三明治,因为这个三明治不小心被烤出了Virgin Mary的轮廓。

这种现象被称作人脸视错觉(也称作幻想性视错觉),这并非什么新奇的名词。但没有人对为何我们的大脑会造成这种错觉知之甚详。本周我偶然看到了一个与这些问题相关的调查。这项名为《土司上的耶稣》(Seeing Jesus in Toast)的调查发表在《大脑皮层》杂志上。今年秋天它还获得了另类诺贝尔奖,被誉为“先令人发笑后引人深思”的研究。





ONLY HUMAN: December 17, 2014

Why Do We See the Man in the Moon?

by Virginia Hughes

Take a look at the slideshow above. The photos depict, in order: tower binoculars, a tank tread, tree bark, headphones, a tray table, a toilet, eggs, and more tree bark. Yet I perceived every one of them as a face, and I bet you did, too.

That’s because, as I wrote about a few weeks back, most people are obsessed with faces. We see faces everywhere, even in things that are most definitely not faces. The most famous example is probably the man in the moon. The weirdest has got to be the person who reportedly paid $28,000 for an old grilled cheese sandwich whose burn marks outline the face of the Virgin Mary.

This phenomenon, called face pareidolia, isn’t new (Leonardo da Vinci even wrote about it as an artistic tool). But nobody knows much about how or why our brains create this illusion. This week I came across a fascinating brain-imaging study that begins to investigate these questions. The paper, published in the journal Cortex, is titled “Seeing Jesus in Toast,” and this fall it won an Ig Nobel Prize, awarded “for achievements that first make people laugh then make them think.”

The study hinges on a clever method for inducing pareidolia inside of a brain scanner. The researchers showed 20 volunteers hundreds of “noise images” — squares comprised of black, white, and gray blobs — and told them that half of the images contained hard-to-detect faces. (The participants had been through a training period in which they saw clearly defined faces in such images, so they were used to the act of searching for a face within the noise.) After seeing a noise image, the volunteer would press a button indicating whether she saw a face in it or not. Unbeknownst to the participants, none of the noise images contained any overt faces.

The scientists reasoned that trials in which participants reported seeing a face were examples of pareidolia. To confirm this, the researchers took all of the images in which a participant saw a face and combined them into an average image. They then subtracted from that the average of all of the images in which the same participant did not see a face. The result of that subtraction, somewhat amazingly, was a crude face shape, suggesting that participants really were experiencing face pareidolia.

A week later, the same participants came back in the lab and went through a similar procedure. This time, though, they were told that half of the noise images they saw contained a hard-to-detect letter. In reality, none of them did — in fact, the images were exactly the same as those they saw the previous week.

All of these experiments happened inside of a brain scanner, allowing the scientists to compare which parts of the brain are activated during face pareidolia, letter pareidolia, and no pareidolia.

It turns out that a particular brain area — the right fusiform face area (FFA) — showed enhanced activation during face pareidolia but not letter pareidolia or no pareidolia. What’s more, the higher a volunteer’s activation in the right FFA, the more her subtracted composite image looked like a face, the study found.

This is an intriguing finding, the researchers say, because of what’s already known about the FFA. Previous studies had found that this area is specialized for processing true faces (hence the name). The fact that it’s also active for these imagined faces suggests that it’s involved in our more abstract conceptions of faces, as opposed to simply responding to the basic visual pattern of two eyes on top of a nose.

And why do our brains so easily create faces? There’s a compelling evolutionary explanation, the researchers write. “This tendency to detect faces in ambiguous visual information is perhaps highly adaptive given the supreme importance of faces in our social life.”

Regardless of what’s going on in my brain, there’s something delicious about looking at photos of face pareidolia, don’t you think? If you have your own examples, please share — the weirder the better!

把相接处遮盖起来,A和B就是同一种颜色  前段时间,“疯狂的裙子”颜色是蓝黑还是白金让很多人很是纠结。最近,网络上热传的一张AB面方块颜色再次吸引了网友的注意力。是灰色与白色?不对,把两者相接处遮盖起




你看到的是缺了一个角的方块,还是一个小方块在大的方块里面?  动态图:你稍微注视这个图形,你将会感受到深度的倒转。这个图形也许是所有深度不明确的图形中最具代表性的,这种深度不明确的图形还有很多。这就是

德罗斯特效应(Droste effect)是递归的一种视觉形式,是指一张图片的某个部分与整张图片相同,如此产生无限循环。这些图片是来自网友自制的,非常有意思。这种照片是通过名为 Mathmap的数学软

由于年龄、心理、身体及行车环境上的差异,驾驶员在行车过程中往往会产生各种各样的错觉,导致错操作而造成险情。所以,认识、了解这些容易引起错觉的特点,就能保证行车的安全。速度错觉 在行车过程中,驾驶员往


撰文 约翰·S·沃纳(John S. Werner)  班吉奥·平纳(Baingio Pinna)  洛塔尔·斯皮尔曼(Lothar Spillmann)  翻译 周林文    面对缤纷色彩,你能否肯


钻石阴影错觉(Crazy Diamond)为一种由于人眼的错觉造成的现象,俗称“疯狂的钻石”,指有许多纵向排列,有渐层,锐角为30至40度的菱形,乍看一下各菱形有不同的明暗,而其实各个菱形的颜色和明暗


图中标为A和B的两个方格其实具有相同的颜色。明明一黑一白的方格,Edward H. Adelson 却说它们颜色一样!到底应该相信科学家还是自己的眼睛?要证明其实很简单,请下载这张图片,然后用任何可以

《Making Up the Mind》上讲了这么一个简单但深刻的实验:我们看到这张图片的第一反应是:5个凸的按钮,1个凹的按钮。现在仅仅将图片上下颠倒一下:在我们眼中立即就变成了:1个凸的按钮,5个

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